Tuesday, December 15, 2009


I had a great time catching up with family and friends when I went back to Kansas, but I can honestly say it's great to be back home. I really missed my husband and my doggy. I know my husband missed me because he brought me a dozen roses when he picked me up from the airport! I absolutely LOVE roses!!! When I walked in the door and picked up my dog, he immediately started licking and sniffing me letting me know he missed me. I'm blessed to be loved so much! We're hoping to head to Kansas the 1st part of January, but we'll see if Travis can get his leave approved. I really, really hope so.

Friday, December 4, 2009


Pronunciation: \ˈhōm-ˌsik\
Function: adjective
Date: 1756
: longing for home and family while absent from them

Well, that is what I was 2 weeks ago when I ordered tickets to fly to Kansas. I'm here now and am thoroughly enjoying being with my family. I like where we live now, but the absence of family close by is hard. I am determined to keep a positive attitude though. Trav being in the military is what we prayed about a lot and God answered positively. I will NOT complain/whine about it. I am thankful for Expedia because they usually have pretty good deals on airfare and I'm sure I will be using that website a lot!

I do miss my husband and dog terribly, but I'll survive! A couple of weeks after I get home Trav & I are hoping to be able to come back around New Years to celebrate Christmas with our families. After that I'll be looking forward to family coming to visit us in 2010. =) I am very thankful for such a wonderful family!!! (In-laws included!)

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