Someone on base took this video of the tornado that briefly touched down on base. (He uses some bad language so you can mute it if you'd like.) Even though sirens were going off, I wasn't freaked out because I didn't expect it to be all that serious. I'm from tornado alley after all! (Guess next time I hear sirens going off on base, I should be a little more concerned!) Fortunately no one was hurt and the neighborhood I live in had no damage that I'm aware of! Thank God! My husband and I were at the church on base at the time so I didn't know what I'd find when I got home...I was hoping my dog was ok! Driving home, we saw a lot of tree damage and a few outdoor kids toys and a trashcan strewn around. The power was out for about 6 hrs. last night. They restored it pretty quickly considering all the branches that were down and probably resting on power lines. I'm glad it got restored when it did because it was getting pretty hot in our house...and it was decently warm outside too. I know I really have nothing to complain about considering the heavy losses down south. I feel so badly for them. My thoughts and prayers are with them! I'm from Kansas so I expect to see tornadoes there, but here and down south?!? I had no idea!
Here's a picture someone took not far from base. Looks pretty scary!
"It's a strange thing, but when you are dreading something, and would give anything to slow down time, it has a disobliging habit of speeding up." ~J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Absolutely nothing is going on here...other than a little anxiety as I mentally prepare for my husband to be deployed. My life is so boring right now...I guess that can be good. Anyway. The inlaws are coming for a visit in a little over a month. I've got that to prepare my house for. I'm making many, many lists in preparation of going back "home" for a few months. I'm always making a list for something. =) Well, that's it for this update. Short & sweet. Haha!